Manchester, NH Mayor Advocates Bicycling

Photo: Downtown Manchester at night.
As well I know, Tourists travel to some destinations specifically to ride bike trails too (ex: The Hiawatha Trail in Northern Idaho) so I invited the Mayor to update me when future expansion of Manchester's bike trails occur. For the record, here's what I wrote:
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Honorable Mayor Guinta,
I read in the Union Leader that you are working to make Manchester more bicycle friendly.
To inspire more people to go cycling, I write about long distance bike trails and the benefits of cycling. If you or any other cycling advocates in your region have news concerning long distance bike trails, it would be my pleasure to report it to my large and growing audience of readers online.
I invite you to email me periodically with any updates (such as ribbon cuttings or construction starts on bike trails) or related photos. Please be sure to include a link to relevant websites with more information about the project(s) so I can provide that to readers wanting more info as well.
About Me
A lifelong resident of New Orleans, I've been bicycling and traveling for over 3 decades. I've bicycled tens of thousands of miles, biking solo & unassisted from Yellowstone to Las Vegas and cycling in various countries (UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Canada...). Currently, I'm working on a book titled "45 Great Places To Go Bicycling In North America." To gather material for the book, I'm traveling around North America riding & photographing bike trails. I expect to have sufficient information to complete the book in 3 years. Meanwhile, I offer a wealth of information about my bike tours online at
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Let me know if there are efforts to improve bike trails in your community and I'll help promote those too.
Larry Lagarde
Ph: 504-324-2492
Urging bicycling for recreation, commuting, health and a better future.
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