Rune Monstad: Why He's Biking Around The World

While trying to make a phone call in Seattle, someone stole Rune's passport & money from his bike. Luckily, word spread about Rune's misfortune and the people of Seattle responded generously.
Whether or not you've been following Rune via his blog or website, here is some information you probably don't know:

Since starting his trip 9 months ago, Rune's bicycled over 16,000 miles. Other than participating once in a triathlon in Norway, this is the first time that Rune's attempted a long distance, multi-day, self supported bike tour. This winter, Rune will be bicycling West to East across Canada. He expects his circumnavigation of the world to last another 3 years and plans to end the tour in Bolivia.
Rune hopes that his trip will increase environmental awareness, inspiring more people to shed their cars and get around by bicycle.
By the way, Rune's most rewarding experience has been discovering how friendly people are regardless where they live or how much money they have. Rune also has this wisdom to offer: if you're thinking about doing something BIG, don't think so much; just do it. You only live once.
Awesome advice, Rune.
In the future, I plan to publish more news from Rune. Meanwhile, if you'd like to learn more about him, the following links are all good.
- A great story about Rune in the Wenatchee World
- Rune's Current Blog
- Rune's Original Website
Hi, I posted a few comments on Rune's blog including a link to a radio show Rune was on that my friend Conrad hosted. It was a great interview! If the link is no longer available, contact Conrad at I also have a copy of the interview on CD. I gave Rune some contacts in Bellingham, Vancouver and on Vancouver Island, as well as contacts across Canada. I contacted Mountain Equipment Coop in Vancouver and they gave him some items for his trip. Rune was very happy about that! It was great meeting him and hearing about his travels in South America.
Could not figure out how to email you, so here is a comment.
You might also check out, a great site run by cyclist Robert Ashworth of Bellingham, WA. Lots of great cycling information here, as Robert only cycles, walks and takes public transportation. He has never driven a car. He met Rune Monstad in Bellingham and introduced him to Kyle of The Hub Bicycle Community Coop. The Hub is a self-supported cooperative run by an experienced volunteer staff dedicated to keeping bicycles in motion. Unique to The Hub is its focus on recycled and utilitarian bicycles. The Hub offers self-service shop space for rent, high quality reconditioned bikes, professional full service tune-ups and repairs, and bicycle parts for sale. Registered as a non-profit organization, The Hub reaches out to the greater Bellingham community by hosting such events as a Bike to Work and School Day Pancake Feed, visiting local schools to teach issues regarding bicycling and bike safety, and providing bicycle donations to low income families and individuals.
I met Rune in Canmore quite randomly.
I was travelling to Canmore looking for work and decided to go for a hottub in the rec centre. Rune was there confused and looking for the sauna. To his dismay they had converted it into a storage room for toys.
Run was very friendly and enthusiastic about life. After we parted ways I reflected on my life and realized that the problems I have are so insignificant in comparison. I couldn't imaging braving the trans canada in the middle of the winter on a peddle bike. If that's not inspiration what is?
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