New $199 Mini Folding Bike
by Larry Lagarde
Here's a look at a new folding bike that weighs under 18 lbs and costs less than $200... the Mini 8 micro folding bicycle.
Practical, Mimimalist Japanese Design

The Mini 8 measures just 33" long unfolded and weighs 17 lbs. The dual crank drive increases the gear ratio so you can pedal at a normal pace.
For storage or transporting the bike on the bus or subway, most Mini 8 users will be satisfied by simply folding the handlebars and pedals; HOWEVER, it is possible to fold the frame. Doing so requires unfastening the front wheel and unbolting the rear suspension from the frame mount, allowing the rear wheel & drive train to swing forward. Thus, I'd only recommend this step to users that intend to fly with the bike and want it to fit in luggage that meets standard dimensions for checked baggage.

If you're under 5' 11", weigh below 195 lbs. and need a bike for short hops, the Mini 8 folding bike is perfect for you. In fact, the reason I'm offering this new folding bicycle is because a fair number of women find the size and/or weight of most folding bicycles impractical for daily use. There are exceptions (the chic Strida Mini, CarryMe 1 spd or the swift CarryMe DS); however, the Mini 8 costs much less.
Colors & Options
The Mini 8 is being produced in British Racing Green with yellow highlights. Eventually, other color options and a carrybag will be available.
Price & Availability
The Mini 8 folding bike is in production now and is available only from The Mini 8 is priced at $199 with shipping included (within the USA lower 48 states). I'll be shipping bikes to customers within the next 90 days. Place your order now and your new Mini 8 folder will come with dual sided folding pedals (standard equipment are single sided pedals).
Order now!
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