Get Over $100 In Bicycle Accessories For Just $15
The 100 degree heat wave here in New Orleans must be frying my brain but here's an unbeatable deal that I will extend through the July 4th weekend.
Purchase a Kent Compact 16 aluminum 6 speed Folding Bike & get the following accessories for just $15 more:12-in-1 Folding Tool Kit
Mini Pump w/Compass
Cable & Combination Lock
Locking Bike Trunk
Kent Compact 6 speed is a sturdy, light & practical entry level folding bike. Suitable for running errands, use on transit or simply recreational riding, this aluminum folding bicycle is outfitted with a comfort saddle, fenders, rear carry rack, adjustable height folding handlebars, folding pedals and kickstand.

By design, the Kent Compact bike has a low pass through (you won't have to raise your leg much to get on it) and the gearing is low (you'll probably cruise in top gear no faster than 12 mph), making it ideal for someone that has not ridden in awhile too.

The accessories selected for this special deal are items that should be carried on just about any bike ride: a basic 12 in 1 tool kit, bike pump with compass and flexible hose (ideal for small wheel folders & prevents getting lost) a vinyl coated steel cable with combination lock (just in case your bike stays outside) and a rain proof, locking ABS trunk that bolts right onto the stock carry rack (with plenty of room for a change of clothes, helmet, etc.).

Considering that these goodies retail separately for over $100 (Planet Bike sells the trunk alone for over $60), this is an incredible bargain so snap it up while you can.
Naturally, shipping within the USA lower 48 states is FREE too.To receive this special offer, purchase your
Kent folding bike online and select the $15 SPECIAL in the options list!
Remember; this offer expires midnight Sunday July 5th so act now.
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