Sandy St Augustine Florida By DownTube Folding Bike
In Sand, Downtube Performed Like A Champ
by Larry Lagarde

In mid October, I received a mint green 2008 DownTube Mini folding bike to review. Although impressed by the DownTube Mini's handling of New Orleans' rough streets, I was just itching to see how the folding bike's low maintenance drive train and rust resistant materials would fare in a harsher, saltier environment.

In Jacksonville, I caught a shuttle for the 45 minute drive to St. Augustine and checked into the Comfort Suites at World Golf Village. I unpacked, reassembled and inspected the DownTube for damage from the flight; there was not even a scratch.
The following morning, I met up with Billy Zeits with the St. Johns County Parks and Recreation to learn more about the cycling opportunities in and around St. Augustine. A former resident of Marin County and an active cycling advocate, Billy took the day off to show me around. I could not have asked for a better guide.
Guana River Marsh Aquatic Preserve
We started with some off road cycling among the non-motorized trails of the Guana River Preserve. Located on a barrier island on the Atlantic coast just 11 miles north of St. Augustine, the preserve provides a taste of what Ponce de Leon saw when he landed near here in 1513, discovering Florida.
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Although Billy was on a full size mountain bike and I was on the mini folder, I easily kept pace with him. Several times, the trail went from hard packed sand to deep, loose sand. In one of those instances, the DownTube's 16" x 1.5" Kenda tires bogged down but I was able to plow through otherwise.
The real nuisance on the ride was that the DownTube's chain kept coming off (I failed to fully tension the wheel when I installed it the previous day). My tools were at the hotel so I managed by keeping as steady a cadence as possible and reducing shifting to a minimum. Regardless, the ride through the sandy preserve was one of my highlights of the trip.

Environmental Education Center
505 Guana River Road
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 823-4500
Note: This preserve is a prime location for viewing manatees, wood storks, roseate spoonbills, bald eagles and peregrine falcons.
Labels: DownTube-folding-bike, St-Augustine-FL