by Larry Lagarde
Yesterday, global warming experts David Kroodsma and Bill Bradlee embarked on the Ride for Climate USA, a bike tour to raise awareness of global warming. As did Paul Revere over 200 years ago, David & Bill started their ride from the steps of Boston's Old North Church but they're riding much further, pedaling 5,000 miles around the USA.

Along the bike tour, David and Bill are making time to speak at presentations about global warming, encouraging everyone they meet to reduce fossil fuels usage and promoting workable suggestions for doing so. Among the solutions they propose are driving more fuel efficient motor vehicles, exchanging incandescent light bulbs with more efficient fluorescent or LEDs, using energy star rated appliances and commuting to school or work by bicycle.
David & Bill are encouraging locals in communities along their route to host events that tie into the theme of their tour.

This afternoon, the Northampton Cycling Club hosted 2 group rides to welcome the cyclists into Amherst, MA. Tomorrow, there will be a private global warming presentation at an Amherst area school followed later in the day by a public presentation at Amherst's First Congregational Church. The presentations will include stories and photos from the
Ride for Climate: The Americas, the 15,000 mile international bike tour David just completed from California to the tip of South America.
For more about the Ride for Climate USA bike tour including news updates or suggestions how you can help or participate, visit
Labels: bicycle_advocacy, bike_tour, climate_change, Ride_for_Climate