Cycling in Vegas Via Folding Bike
by Larry Lagarde
Note: This is one of a series of posts concerning InterBike 2008. Read the preceding story about carrying a CarryMe on Southwest.

Once the plane reached the gate at Mccarran International Airport, I removed my bag from the overhead and exited the plane. Since my clothing was packed in the carry bag with the folding bike, there was no need to go to baggage claim. I simply walked out of the airport, unfolded my bike and began cycling to the hotel.
Rather than ride amidst the heavy mix of taxis, limo's, airport shuttle vans and cars, I biked along a sidewalk that I had seen the night before when I Google mapped the ride. As the sidewalk arced away from the airport terminal, it entered a beautifully green and peaceful oasis of trees and shrubs - a pocket park. What a contrast it was to ride there. Unlike the vehicle chocked, multi-lane airport access road, there was not another soul on that sidewalk path.
The park gave way to the colors that prevail in Vegas - various shades of desert sand. Paradise Rd. was crowded with traffic and there was no shoulder so I stuck to the sidewalk. Smooth and relatively free of debris, this was a wise choice. Traffic on Flamingo was heavy and fast moving; I was grateful that the stoplight there had a button actuated pedestrian crosswalk.
According to my Garmin 305 GPS, it took a total of 25 minutes to bike just under 3 miles from the airport to the hotel. This includes a stop to readjust the bag on the rear carry rack, walking around a section of sidewalk that was under construction and no less than 10 stops at intersections (mostly for traffic lights). Had I waited for a taxi or airport shuttle, I don't think I could have made it much faster, particularly since I biked right out of the airport and rode right up to the front door of the hotel.
Though rush hour traffic in Las Vegas was heavier than I anticipated, it was a breeze getting around on the folding bike. Other than a speeding taxi and a tourist bus, drivers gave me plenty of space but riding on the sidewalk was safer. In fact, here's a video of one of my rides between the expo center where InterBike was held and my hotel...
Other than when at InterBike or the Outdoor Demo, I pretty much had the CarryMe DS folding bike at my side wherever I went. Due to the bike's compact size when folded and it's light weight, never did I feel burdened by having the bike with me. I took the folder into casinos and restaurants; neither management nor security stopped me or asked that I leave the bike outside. When out of the carry bag, everyone seemed bemused by this unique little folding bike.
Kudos to Southwest
In an age when airlines are making it more expensive to take bicycles aboard their commercial flights, it's nice to know that at least one airline will let you take your folding bike aboard as a carry on. Kudos to Southwest for their reasonable baggage policies towards folding bikes as well as their great, friendly staff.
Learn more about the Carry Me DS folding bike
About Larry Lagarde Larry is a dad and folding bike enthusiast that lives in New Orleans. Whenever he travels, a folding bike always goes along.
Labels: carry-on-folding-bike, CarryMe-DS-folding-bike, Interbike2008, Southwest-Airlines