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Google Offers Folding Bikes To 2000 Employees
 by Larry Lagarde On December 15, 2006, I reported that IKEA UK was giving away 9000 folding bikes to employees. Since then, I have been waiting to see which company would be next in line with a similar program; I received the answer today: Google. Per a story by Mark Sweney in the Guardian Unlimited (website for The Guardian, a full color UK newspaper similar to USA Today), 2,000 of Google's permanent employees in Europe, the Middle East and Africa will be offered bicycles and free bike helmets to commute to work. If every employee accepts Google's folding bike, the total value of bikes and helmets being given away will exceed US $1,400,000.  According to the Guardian, Holger Meyer is the guy behind the idea. One of Google's top marketing guys in Europe, Holger was hired away from Alta Vista (anyone remember that search engine) back in 2001 and has been pivotal in building Google Germany's profitability to one of the best margins in Google's international operations. No doubt it was this track record that convinced Google to give the bike idea a go. (Photo right: Holger Meyer) When asked about the bike giveaway, Liane Hornsey (Google's human resources director for Europe, Middle East and Africa) said "We try to innovate not just in technology for users but in the benefits we give our employees... (and) think that these amazing bikes will help Googlers keep fit and healthy, get to know their city better and reduce the environmental impact of their journey to work." Both bikes and helmets will be branded with Google's simple, multi-colored text logo. Labels: corporate health, fitness, folding bicycle, folding bike, gift giving, Google, green living, health, health care, healthy workforce, IKEA
How To Cut Healthcare Costs
"What is the value of a bike path? What's the value of commuting without polluting? What's the value of a good walk, a long run or a pleasant bike ride? What's the value of clean air? What's the value of a healthy life?" Recently, these questions were posed in the Napa Valley Register in an opinion by Tim Thulin titled " Bike paths; A step in right direction." Apparently, some local folks in the Napa area view bike trails as costly/wasteful projects used by a select few and Tim's opinion was an attempt to explain the benefits of multi-use trails. Though Tim's opinion was sound, he didn't assess the value of the bike trail in dollars and cents. As people pay attention to money, I thought it worthwhile to demonstrate how a trail can easily pay for itself by cutting healthcare costs. Here's what I wrote: A bike trail may sound expensive - until we consider the role that it can play in keeping health care costs in check. We Americans are more obese and inactive than ever. As a result, diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, etc. are all on the rise. Sure, we can control many diseases/illnesses with medication, surgery, etc. but that is costly. For example, the average open heart surgery costs $150,000. If building a $10 million bike trail prevents the need for just 67 open heart surgeries, the trail has paid for itself. Such is the value of exercise. If we are going to reverse unhealthy behaviors like overeating, healthy behaviors must be more attractive. Bike trails make walking, jogging & biking more attractive, providing a car free place for families, seniors, etc. to exercise/recreate. Respectfully, Larry Lagarde RideTHISbike.comUrging bicycling for recreation, commuting, health and a better future. Labels: bike trail benefits, fitness, healthcare, Napa Valley, obesity, open heart surgery
Positive Fitness Attitudes Cure Obesity
 Over the course of the typical day, I Google a variety of subjects related to bicycling and fitness. This morning in one of my searches, I came across " Buzzword of the 21st Century: OBESITY ... Adult and Childhood," an excellent post about obesity from Bonnie Murphy (see photo at right), a fitness coach in Anchorage, Alaska. Essentially, Bonnie's point is that our bodies are made for movement. Staying physically fit requires changes in attitudes and the choices we make. Amen to that! Since Bonnie's post was in Womens Health And Fitness Podcast Directory, I may have ruffled the feathers of some fems by doing this but I (a man) posted a reply supporting Bonnie. Here's the gist of what I wrote: "The obesity epidemic is societal. Stopping the epedemic is within the means of any loving parent. All we must do is look at the behaviors we are teaching our children and alter them. Identify physical activities that are within the capabilities of the entire family and make those activities part of a fun, daily routine. Once physical activity is presented in a positive light, our children will embrace it for life." We are the sum result of the choices we make. If you're unhappy with the person you are or see in the mirror, there is a miracle cure: physical activity. Take a dose every day; you won't regret it. For more about Bonnie Murphy, visit her website ( www.bfitandwell.com). If you set your own weights but would like someone knowledgeable to encourage your fitness program, Bonnie is also a Fitness By Phone personal trainer so give her a call. Labels: Bonnie Murphy, fitness, obesity
Ikea Gives 9000 Employees Folding Bikes For Christmas
Attention Corporate America!  Rather than let rising health care costs continue to erode your profits, follow IKEA UK's lead and give your employees something that will let them cut their commuting costs and become healthier in the process. For years, IKEA (the Scandanavian furnishings giant) has been giving employees Christmas gifts like DVD players, digital cameras and other electronic gadgets. This year, the company gave something far more practical - folding bikes AND subsidies of 15% for commuting by mass transit. When asked why IKEA UK chose to give employees folding bikes, IKEA's UK manager (Peter Hogsted) responded: "We want to create a better everyday life for the many and do what we can to make greener living possible. This is both for our co-workers, as well as our millions of customers...The bike is a fun present but there is a serious message. We all have a responsibility to do what we can to protect the environment... That is why we are also going to subsidise our employees who will use public transport to get to work... I am encouraged by the fact that a small step such as this has been widely welcomed... Interested parties ranging from government to NGOs have supported this eco-friendly proposal." Without a doubt, some IKEA employees will be disappointed that they didn't receive yet another electronic toy; however, others will make full use of their new folding bikes and transit subsidies and will be forever grateful to upper management - not only for helping workers save money commuting but also for inspiring them to be more physically fit. Since bike riding also releases endorphins, these Christmas gifts should also result in a happier, more productive workforce (a fact shareholders will appreciate). For an in depth article that Carlton Reid of BikeBiz.co.uk wrote on this Christmas story, go to ... http://www.bikebiz.co.uk/Ikea-gifts-9000-folding-bikes-to-staffHRespectfully, Larry Lagarde RideTHISbike.comUrging bicycling for recreation, commuting, health and a better future. Labels: Christmas gifts, corporate health, fitness, folding bicycle, folding bike, gift giving, green living, health, health care, healthy workforce, home furnishings, IKEA
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