InterBike 2008 - Montague Folding Bikes
by Larry Lagarde
Note: This is one of a series of posts concerning products at InterBike 2008...
InterBike 2008 Highlights: Montague Corporation CLIX Wheel Release & Octagon Quick Adjust Handlebar Stems
There's good reason for Montague to be so well known for their Paratrooper full size folding mountain bike (it's been used by the military for years in hot spots all over the globe and is reasonably priced) but the engineers at Montague haven't been sitting on their hands. As proof, I offer the CLIX and the Octagon, 2 major improvements on bike components that have been around forever.
CLIX Bicycle Wheel Release System

The CLIX has made such an impression that major bike manufacturers Trek & Pacific (makers of Schwinn, GT‚ and Mongoose and other bicycle brands) have latched onto the product, offering it on the 2008 models. Still, the CLIX is new to many (including folks at many local bike shops). To change that, Montague held a competition at InterBike - whoever changed a CLIX wheel in the shortest time would win $500.

Coming Soon - Octagon Quick Adjust Handlebar Stems
Montague was showing another product at InterBike 2008 - the Octagon. Though there was no contest hyping this product, it's even more of a no-brainer/why-didn't-I-think-of-that type item.
Simply put, the Octagon is an adjustable height handlebar stem that requires no tools to adjust. Yes, quick release adjustable stems are already around (the CarryMe and several other folding bikes use 'em) but here's what makes the Octagon so much better - it allows the user to adjust the height quickly and precisely.

The first bike to feature the Octagon will be the Montague CX (they'll be on the CX in time for Christmas and you can pre-order them here); however, I have no doubt that we'll be seeing much more of the Octagon in the cycling world - perhaps even on seat posts (that would be cool).
Labels: CLIX, Interbike2008, Montague, Octagon
Edward Klomp is actually an employee at Chicago Dr. Cycling and Fitness, a Trek dealer from Grandville, MI. A common mistake, the man is a legend around here.
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