Montague Folding Bike Tour Of Mallorca
Day 5 - Alcudia to Port de Pollenca & Back
by Will Wattles
Day five started with a weird effort at a British breakfast. I got a fried tomato, undercooked egg, baked beans, sausage, bacon and toast along with coffee for 5 euros. I then rode out along the Alcudia peninsular.

On the map it looks flat but, steep mountains fill the space and a road running along the west side goes up and down and around with great drop-offs to the surf below. The road of narrow, but smooth tarmac runs through a pine forest and has constant views of the mountains inland and on the Pollenca peninsular directly across the bay.
Feral Goats
Once, I stopped for a picture and heard a noise. I turned and saw a kid staring at me. Before I could get a good picture he and his mother climbed up the sheer slope. The feral goats became common and their acrobatics entertained me.
Zona Militar & Yachts
At points I could see portions of the road several kilometers ahead in the form of graceful curves ascending and descending the terrain. I rode until signs told me I was entering a forbidden military area. I always stop for signs like that. Returning on the peninsular road I passed through Bonair where boats were moored that called Hamburg and London home.
Montague Folding Bike Scores Again
At one point I encountered a sign indicating that the road was a dead end. I continued on and found a path that led through some bushes and along an exposed headland, rough with volcanic rock but rideable.

Pollenca - From Bay To Port
I then took the highway with its paved shoulders along the Bay of Pollenca to the Port de Pollenca. The bay is outstanding with aqua water and bordered by two mountainous peninsulas. The shoulder next to the coast was painted red with pictures of bicycles on it and signs indicating a bike route.
Pollenca Market

Mileage for the day: 23
Total trip miles: 142
Bike & Hike In Mallorca
More about Will Wattles... Will truly enjoys bicycle touring. Over the last decade, he's toured places such as Greece, Costa Rica, Malta, Chile and Venezuela. For more stories and photos from Will's previous bike trips, visit
Labels: Mallorca, Montague-MX
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