Status - Electric IF Reach
by Larry Lagarde
Well, the Electric IF Reach folding bicycle is almost here.

The reports from Cincinnati are that the bike will cruise at @ 18 mph with minimal pedaling (it's pedal assist so you do have to pedal some). At 18+ mph, they rode 20 miles at a pop with plenty of juice left in the battery pack. Cool.
Once I get the bike, I'm hitting the Bill Keller levee trail along the Mississippi River for an out and back. It's about a 40 mile run so that should be a good initial test. When time allows, I'll take Amtrak up to Hattiesburg for an out and back on the Long Leaf Trace. The whole loop is 82 miles so that should tell me a lot about the IF Reach DC's capabilities.
Labels: IF-Reach-DC
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